1.someone whose job is to help a manager by writing business letters, organizing meetings, etc. A personal assistant is often simply called a PA
1.She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.
2.Accompanied by his photographer and his personal assistant, Li Yang stepped into a Beijing classroom and shouted, "Hello, everyone! "
3.They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen.
4.Responsible as a Personal Assistant and Confidential Secretary for the General management.
5.As the company's lawyer, Lucy started as George's porce attorney and gradually became George's personal assistant.
6.The guy who's sitting next to you in the elegant restaurant, shouting to his personal assistant on his cell phone is probably a Leo.
7.It's like your personal assistant, helping you focus on the messages that matter without requiring you to set up complex rules.
8.and for the Next two months you are going to work as my Personal Assistant.
9.True, it is sleek and sexy and full of great features like a great camera and personal assistant and a better screen, etc.
10.The article gave a detailed account of Law's communication with his personal assistant.